List of the most effective products that increase potency in men

a woman and a man who have increased potency with products

Potency is a man's ability to have sex. The state of the organs of the genitourinary system and the sexual abilities of men depend not only on chronic diseases and environmental conditions, but also on daily nutrition. There are products that increase potency. They contain many valuable substances necessary for the production of the main male hormone - testosterone.

Principles of diet for potency for men

Problems with potency often arise as a result of malnutrition. An imbalance or lack of essential nutrients can impair health. The correct menu should consist of foods that contain zinc, calcium, healthy fats, and macronutrients. It is necessary to provide the body with a sufficient amount of vitamins A, groups B, C, D and E.

potency products

Products that instantly increase potency in men can be found among vegetables, fruits, seafood, meat, dairy products and even sweets.

In order to improve health and sexual performance, a man should give up alcohol-containing drinks and smoking, exercise regularly.

Protein food for men's health

The list of products that improve potency necessarily includes lean meat, river fish, seafood and eggs. Dishes with them should be prepared every day.

Sea food

Seafood is an excellent aphrodisiac, so it is recommended to increase male potency. Crayfish, squid, shrimp and mussels contain a lot of zinc and selenium, they contribute to the production of sperm.

In oysters, in addition to zinc, there are amino acids that activate the production of testosterone, increasing the amount of sperm produced. Oysters also contain dopamine, which increases potency. Experts advise to eat them raw, because after heat treatment the proportion of biologically active elements decreases.

seafood for potency

The most useful is the meat of rays and sharks, which, unfortunately, are not common in our latitudes. The Chinese value these products because they contain special stimulants that increase male libido.

Camel belly

Products that stimulate male potency include rennet - camel's stomach. product:

  • increases testosterone,
  • stimulates erection,
  • increases libido,
  • normalizes blood circulation
  • improves the protective functions of the immune system.

There are no contraindications, it does not cause unwanted reactions.

Sea fish

Some types of sea fish with a low fat content are recommended for potency. Ocean inhabitants are considered more useful than river inhabitants due to the fact that they contain a large amount of vitamins, iron, phosphorus, iodine, zinc.

Salmon, flounder, salmon, mackerel and other fish saturate the body with proteins and minerals, restore an adequate indicator of blood clotting, lower cholesterol, increase endurance, activate the production of male sex hormones, reduce irritability and normalize sleep.

Quail eggs

High protein content is characteristic of quail eggs. They contain phosphorus, amino acids, iron. Daily use increases libido, lengthens erection time, and men recover faster after intercourse.

quail eggs for potency

There is no salmonella in quail eggs, because the bird's body temperature is around 40 degrees.

Vegetables that improve erectile function

Fiber is an important micronutrient for sexual health. It normalizes digestion, and as a result of regular use, it improves the function of the intestines and the genitourinary system of men.

Garlic and onion

The list of products that increase potency includes onions and garlic, which contain the most complete list of "male" micro and macro elements, vitamins and amino acids. Normalize the hormonal balance, strengthen the immune system. They retain useful qualities even as a result of heat treatment, because they impregnate other products with their essential oils, which are prepared with them in a container.


In case of erectile dysfunction, it is recommended to use greens. Parsley, dill, celery, sorrel, spinach, green onions, cilantro, basil - they all contain many vitamins and substances that increase testosterone.

greens for potency

Greens contain vegetable proteins that increase sexual activity and improve potency.


This plant contains a large amount of zinc, phosphorus, iron, calcium, coarse fiber, vegetable protein and fat. The product has a beneficial effect on the production of testosterone, stimulates excitement, and provides a man with a strong sexual desire.

As a result of regular use of celery, the erection increases, the duration of sexual intercourse increases, the orgasm becomes more vivid. Thanks to vegetables, the quality and quantity of a man's seminal fluid increases, the vitality of spermatozoa and their activity improves, which has a favorable effect on conception.


Cabbage is on the list of the best foods that increase potency. Red varieties protect against infertility, increase the protective functions of a man's immunity, give him strength and power. Zinc present in vegetables contributes to sexual desire. Brussels sprouts are rich in vitamins, valuable minerals and are known for their anti-cancer properties.

sauerkraut for potency

Sauerkraut, which contains a shock dose of vitamins, macro- and microelements, is useful for male potency.

What fruits and berries should a man eat

Products for potency in men are a natural way to normalize male power without the use of pharmaceutical preparations. The daily menu should be diversified with fruit smoothies, salads and other dishes in order to supply the body with the necessary vitamins and minerals. Experts consider pomegranate and all citrus fruits to be particularly useful.


Foods and drinks made from exotic fruits such as bananas, oranges, avocados, pomegranates and lemons have a favorable effect on male potency. They contain a whole complex of necessary vitamins for the prevention of sexual impotence. The products tone the body, give energy, are natural aphrodisiacs that improve potency. In particular, avocados contain folic acid, which has a beneficial effect on the duration of an erection.


The product has a positive effect on men's health, increases potency, but does not work immediately. During the first month of regular consumption, watermelon helps the body get rid of toxins, improves bowel function and normalizes blood circulation. This leads to a prolonged erection. Experts advise using the peels, not just the pulp, to get the best results.

watermelon for potency

People suffering from obesity, diabetes and bloating are advised to stop eating watermelon to avoid worsening the condition.

Dates and figs

This fruit from warm countries increases the potency of men, increases the quantity and quality of sperm. As a result of regular use of the product, sexual intercourse is prolonged, recovery time after intimacy is reduced. Dates and figs have a general stimulating effect. These potency products contain a lot of sugar, so in some cases they can be harmful. You can not abuse them with obesity and diabetes.


Grapes are among the products that increase potency. It contains resveratrol, which makes sperm more active. Red varieties free men from potency problems associated with impaired functioning of the circulatory system. Grapes, both fresh and in the form of raisins or juice, have a positive effect on the state of the reproductive system, increase male sexual abilities, increase the number of healthy spermatozoa, thus suppressing infertility.


To increase potency, you must eat strawberries. Due to the content of zinc compounds, the product enhances sexual desire, it is a natural substitute for Viagra. This trace element increases testosterone, the male sex hormone. Experts advise eating a handful of berries for intimacy.

What kind of sour milk is it to have good potency

A diet for male potency must necessarily include fermented milk products. They increase libido, prolong the duration of sexual intercourse. Regular consumption of sour milk will fill the lack of minerals and vitamins, introduce calcium, magnesium and selenium into the body, which will ensure adequate functionality of the reproductive system.

Kumis, a sour-milk drink made from mare's milk, will help improve endurance in sex, as well as prolong life by stimulating regeneration processes in body cells.

dairy products for potency

Many people suffer from lactose intolerance. In such cases, dairy and sour-milk products are prohibited for consumption.

Healthy treats

You can also increase the potency of men with the help of sweet food. Chocolate, honey, nuts and seeds consumed in moderation will have a beneficial effect on men's health.


Dark chocolate is also beneficial for male potency. A dark appearance, in which at least 65% cocoa, has a beneficial effect. It contains a lot of theobromine and phenylethylamine. These are alkaloids that increase libido and induce feelings of love. The product contains antioxidants that improve mood and general condition.


Like other products useful for potency, honey ensures good blood circulation in the pelvic area, which prolongs erection and increases the intensity of sexual excitement. Due to the content of fructose and glucose, it increases the production of testosterone, tones, increases endurance.

Nuts and seeds

A handful of nuts will help to replenish the daily norm of elements necessary for the functioning of the genitourinary system. They are considered fast-acting products for male potency. Their action is to increase the synthesis of testosterone. As a result of regular use, erection increases, sperm production and its quality characteristics increase. Pistachios, walnuts and pine nuts, almonds will be useful.

Seeds (sunflowers, pumpkins) containing vegetable protein, vitamins A, K, E, PP, B are indispensable for men's health. They promote blood flow in the pelvic organs, improve testosterone synthesis and reduce the likelihood of premature ejaculation. Pumpkin seeds will help prevent congestion, inflammation in the reproductive system, which effectively acts as a prevention of prostatitis, impotence and other dangerous diseases.

Does sports nutrition affect potency?

Many people who have never encountered sports nutrition believe that it has a negative effect on men's health. Experts say that only cheap and low-quality protein supplements can cause harm. They contain harmful ingredients that negatively affect men's health.

sports activities and sports nutrition for potency

Soy protein has a negative effect on potency, as it contains phytoestrogen impurities. It is better to use the whey version of sports nutrition, which is highly effective and has a low risk of side effects.

Not only proteins, but also the wrong approach to training can negatively affect potency. Excessive physical activity, when a person works hard, can lead to serious negative health consequences. It is necessary to recover after training, to eat quality food.

Harmful food for potency

To increase sexual power, you must exclude from the daily menu products that are harmful to potency, stop smoking and reduce the amount of alcoholic beverages. Impotence is often caused by vascular diseases, so bad habits should be excluded.

It is important to limit cholesterol from fast food, as it can cause clogging of blood vessels. You should refuse fatty food, food fried in too much oil, smoked meat, chips, chemical soda, large amounts of salt and sugar, and avoid flavor enhancers that reduce potency.

Just before a romantic evening, you should not overeat, even if it is very healthy food. The body will focus its energy reserves on digestion, which is why the strength and desire for sex may not be enough.

By switching to a healthy diet, a man should not hope that all problems will be solved immediately, and potency will increase in one day. Comprehensive improvement of the condition will last from one week to six months, but the result, according to the rules, will be mandatory.